أكواد تفعيل SMS Commands GT06N جهاز تتبع المركبات

Concox - GT06N
1Check GT06N firmware versionVERSION#e.g.[VERSION]GT06B_10_8MM_B25_V11_LA [BUILD]2013/01/04 17:45
2Check GT06N parametersPARAM#e.g.
GPS report on time interval:
IMEI:868120103643505;TIMER:20,20; SENDS:5; SOS:13730454825,,;
Center Number:;Sensorset:10,1,5,1; Defense time:10;

GPS report on distance interval:
IMEI:868120103643505;Distance:200; SENDS:5; SOS:13730454825,,;
Center Number:;Sensorset:10,1,5,1; Defense time:10;
3Query GT06N network settingGPRSSET#e.g.GPRS:ON; APN:CMNET,,;
4Check GT06N statusSTATUS#e.g.Battery:3.41V,Battery too low! Warning; GPRS:Link Up; GSM Signal
Level:Strong; GPS:Successful positioning, SVS Used in fix:10(11),
GPS Signal Level:32,31,32,31,28,29,29,36,32,33; ACC:OFF;
5Check position statusWHERE#e.g.Current position!
Time:2013-01-08 17:35:32
6Check URLURL#e.g.<01-08
7Check positionPOSITION#
GPS located: <01-08
GPS not located: GPS not fixed, please wait for a while, and then try again.
8Check geo fence statusFENCE#e.g.FenceType:Circle, ON, Latitude:N22.577091,
Longitude:E113.916748, radius:600m, in out:IN or OUT, alarm type:1
FenceType:Circle, OFF, Latitude:0.000000, Longitude:0.000000,
radius:0m, in out:IN or OUT, alarm type:1
9Check moving statusMOVING#e.g.Moving Switch:OFF; Radius:300m; Alarm type:1
Moving Switch:ON; Lat:N22.577080; Lon:E113.916794; Radius:300m;
Alarm type:1
GT06N Query SMS Commands
1Set APN
APN, [apnname]#
APN, [apnname],[user],[pwd]#
Close automatic APN and set by yourself.
APN#Check the current APN parameters.
2Set automatic APNASETAPN, [X]#X=ON/OFF;
ON: open automatic APN;
OFF: close automatic APN.
ASETAPN#Check automatic APN status
3Set server parametersSERVER,mode,domainName/IP,port,protocol#eg: SERVER,1,www.ydpat.com,8011,0#
mode = 1 means set with domain name
mode = 0 means set with ip address

protocol = 0 means connect server with TCP protocol
protocol = 1 means connect server with UDP protocol
SERVER#Check the current sever parameters
4Set GMT parameter For GT06NGMT,[A],[b],[C]#A:E or W;”E” means eastern time zone, “W” means western time zone;default:E
B:0~12;time zone default:8
C:0/15/30/45;half time zone;default:0
GMT#Check the current time zone parameters
5Restore GT06N to factoryFACTORY#Restore to factory setting
6Edit URLEURL,network links#set the network links for latitude and longitude, default: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=
EURL#Check the current URL
7GPRS switchGPRSON,X#X=0 or 1;”1″ means GPRS ON, “0” means GPRS OFF, default:1
GPRSON#Check the current GPRS status
8Reboot GT06NRESET#The device would reboot in 20S after receiving the command.
9GPRS blocking alarmGPRSALM,X#X=ON/OFF, default: OFF
GPRSALM#Check the GPRS alarm status
10SOS settingSOS,A,[phone number 1][,phone number 2][,phone number 3]#Add SOS phone number.
SOS,D,[sequence number 1][, sequence number 2][,sequence number 3]#Delete the phone number according to the sequence number.
SOS,[D],[phone number]#Delete the matching SOS phone number.
SOS#Check the SOS phone number.
11Center phone number settingCENTER, A,[phone number]#Add center phone number.
CENTER, D#Delete center phone number.
CENTER#Check the center phone number.
12Heartbeat interval settingHBT,[T1],[T2]#T1 ranges 1~19(minutes), heartbeat package upload interval when ACC ON; default is 3;
T2 ranges 1~19 (minutes), heartbeat package upload interval when ACC OFF; default is 5;
HBT#Check the current parameters of T1 and T2.
13Set GPS data sending intervalTIMER,[T1],[T2]#T1 ranges 5~18000 or 0(seconds), upload interval when ACC ON, 0 means no upload, default is 10;
T2 ranges 5~18000 (seconds), upload interval when ACC OFF, default is 10;
TIMER#Check the current parameters of T1 and T2.
14Set distance interval of GPS data sendingDISTANCE,[D]#D ranges 50~10000 or 0(meters), distance interval, default is 300;
DISTANCE#Check the current distance interval.
15Set the angle uploadANGLEREP,[X][,A][,B]#X=ON/OFF, default:ON
A=5~180 degrees, diversion angle degree, default:30 degrees;
B=2~5 seconds, detecting time, default:3 seconds,
ANGLEREP,OFF#Close the angle upload.
ANGLEREP#Check the angle upload status and its parameters.
16Set the upload for ACC status changeACCREP,[A]#A=ON/OFF, upload for ACC status change, default: ON
ACCREP#Check the upload for ACC status change.
17Set the GPS data sending batchBATCH,[A][,N]#A= A=ON/OFF, data sending batch function on or off, default:OFF
N=1~50, N means the number of messages in the batch, default:10;
BATCH#Check the number of messages in a batch.
18Set the delay of the defenseDEFENSE,[A]#A= 1~60 (minute), delay of the defense, default:10 (minutes).
DEFENSE#Check the parameters of the defense.
19Set vibration sensor detecting timeSENSOR,<A>,[,B][,C]#A=10-300 seconds,detecting time. Default: 10 seconds
B-10-300 seconds, alert delay. Deault:180 seconds

C=1-3000 minutes, vibration alert interval. Default: 30 minutes
SENSOR# Check the parameter of the status
20Set the GPS controlled time by sensorSENDS,[A]#A=0-300(minute), time duration for GPS to work once vibration detected, 0 means GPS always on work, default: 5(minute)
SENDS#Check the parameters of the time.
21DisarmDSRESET#DSRESET# Cancel the current Arm status
22Clear the backup dataCLEAR#
23Set the static data filteringSF,[A][,B]#A=ON/OFF;static drift filtering switch;default: ON
B=10-1000(m);maximal filtering distance;default: 100(m);
SF#Check the parameters.
24Set the petrol/electricity controlRELAY,[A]#A=0/1;0 means connection, 1 means cut off;default: 0.
RELAY#Check the status of the control.
25Set delay time of voice monitorDELAY,<A>#A=0、5-18 seconds; Default: 10 seconds (Enter Listen-In after 10 senconds calling)
26Set the fence alarmFENCE,[B],0,[D],[E],[F],[X],[M]#circle area;
B=ON/OFF, open or close fence alarm, default:close;
D=the latitude of the circle center;
E=the longitude of the circle center;
F=1~9999, the fence radius, unit:100 meters;

X=IN/OUT;IN: alarming when get in the fence, OUT: alarming when get out the fence, blank means both alarming when get in or get out the fence, default: blank.
M=0/1;way of alarming, 0:GPRS only, 1:SMS+GPRS, default:1
FENCE,[B],1,[D],[E],[F],[G][,X][,M]#rectangle area
B=ON/OFF, open or close fence alarm, default:close;
D=the latitude of the position 1;range:-90 ~90(degree);
E=the longitude of the position 1;range:-180 ~180(degree);
F=the latitude of the position 2;range:-90 ~90(degree);
G=the longitude of the position 2;range:-180 ~180(degree);
the latitude supports “N/S” or “+/- ” coming before it’s value;
the longitude supports “E/W” or “+/- ” coming before it’s value;;
FENCE#Check the parameters of the fence.
27Set the vibration alarmSENALM,[A][,M]#A=ON/OFF, default: OFF;
M=0/1/2, way of alarming, 0 :GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, 2 : GPRS+SMS+phone call, default:1
SENALM,OFF#Close vibration alarm
SENALM#Check the parameters of the alarm
28Set the power cut-off alarmPOWERALM, [A][,M][,T1][,T2]#A=ON/OFF, default:ON;
M=0/1/2, way of alarming, 0: GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, 2 : GPRS+SMS+phone call, default:1;
T1=2~60 (second), default:5;
T2=1~3600 (second), default:300;
POWERALM, OFF#Close the power alarm.
POWERALM #Check the parameters of the alarm.
29Set the low battery alarmBATALM, [A][, M]#A=ON/OFF, default:ON;
M=0/1/2, way of alarming, 0: GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, 2 : GPRS+SMS+phone call, default:1;
BATALM,OFF#Close the low battery alarm.
BATALM#Check the parameters of the alarm.
30Set the SOS alarmSOSALM,[A],[M]#A=ON/OFF, default:ON;
M=0/1/2, way of alarming, 0 :GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, 2 : GPRS+SMS+phone call, default:1;
SOSALM,OFF#Close the SOS alarm.
SOSALM#Check the parameters of the alarm.
31Set the dialing timesCALL,N#N=1~3, default:3, times to dial all numbers;
CALL#Check the parameters of the dialing.
32Set the moving alarmMOVING,[A][,R][,M]#A=ON/OFF, default:OFF; R=100~1000, moving radius, unit: meter, default: 300;
M=0~2, 0: GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, 2: GPRS+SMS+phone call, default:1;
MOVING,OFF#Close the moving alarm.
MOVING#Check the status and the parameters of the moving alarm.
33Set the overspeed alarmSPEED,[A][,B][,C][,M]#A=ON/OFF, open or close over speed alarm, default:OFF
B=5~600 (second), time interval, default:20 (second)

C=1~255(km/h), speed limit, default:100(km/h);
M=0/1, way of alarm, 0 : GPRS only, 1: SMS+GPRS, default:1.
SPEED#Check the parameters of over speed.
34Set sensitivity of SENSORLEVEL,<A>#A=1-5: sensiticity range; default:2
LEVEL# check the current sensitivity of sensor
35Set the LED sleep modeLEDSLEEP,[A]#A=ON/OFF, LED sleep mode control,
ON: start LED sleep mode, OFF:LED normal display, default:ON;
LEDSLEEP#Check the parameters of LED sleep mode.
37Set the instruction passwordPWDSW,[A]#A= ON, enable the instruction password.
PWDSW,[password],[B]#Numbers and letters mix inputs supported for instruction password, at least 1 character, no more than 19 characters, default:000000;
B=OFF, disable the instruction password.
38Revise the instruction passwordPASSWORD,[A],[B]#A=old password, numbers and letters mix inputs supported, at least 1 character, no more than 19 characters, default:000000;

B=new password, numbers and letters mix inputs supported, at least 1 character, no more than 19 characters.
RECOVER,[A]#A=instruction password, numbers and letters mix inputs supported, at least 1 character, no more than 19 characters, default:111111.
40Set the SMS forwardingFW,[A],[B]#A=phone number, phone number to send;
B=SMS content, content to forward. Only SOS can use this command.
GT06N Settings SMS Command

يتم إرسال الأكواد عن طريق إرسال رسالة نصية إلى الشريحة الموجودة داخل الجهاز, شاهد الأمثلة

رد تفعيل جهاز تتبع GT06N على أمر السيرفر
أكواد تفعيل SMS Commands GT06N جهاز تتبع المركبات 4
الرد على أمر APN عند تفعيل جهاز تتبع GT06N
أكواد تفعيل SMS Commands GT06N جهاز تتبع المركبات 5
الرد على أمر GPRSSET عند تفعيل جهاز تتبع GT06N
أكواد تفعيل SMS Commands GT06N جهاز تتبع المركبات 6

لتفعيل وبرمجة مختلف الأجهزة والحصول على برنامج التتبع تواصل معنا

واتساب: 966570960313+

تليجرام: @Trkify


  1. Frank
    1 31/03/2024

    Please how do i reset the imei

    • 1 31/03/2024

      Contact me on WhatsApp +966570960313 or Telegram @Trkify

  2. احمد
    1 05/06/2024

    كيف يمكن معرفت اسم المستخدم وكلمة السر عن طريق الرسائل

    • 1 06/06/2024

      عن طريق ارسال كود 102

      • محمد
        1 23/09/2024

        اين اخى الكريم الكود

        • 1 23/09/2024

          حياك الله, أي كود تحديدا؟

  3. mostafa
    1 11/08/2024

    هل يوجد فيديو شرح كيفيه تفعيل الشريحة وجهاز GT06N علي السيرفر أرجو الرد

    • 1 11/08/2024

      طريقة التفعيل بسيطة وهي مذكورة في الأكواد عن طريق كود تحديد سيرفر GT06N, ويمكنك الاطلاع على تفايصل السيرفر من هنا تواصل معنا وسوف نمنحك عنوان السيرفر الخاص بنا واسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور للدخول للتطبيق ومتابعة المركبة

  4. احمد
    1 23/08/2024

    ما هو الكود لفتح المسار

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