اكواد تفعيل SMS Commands GT06N جهاز تتبع المركبات
لتفعيل وبرمجة مختلف الأجهزة والحصول على برنامج التتبع تواصل معنا واتساب: +966570960313 اوامر واكواد الفحص والاستعلام GT06N Query SMS Commands No. الوظيفة الأمر/الكود الرد الشرح 1 Check GT06N firmware version VERSION# e.g.[VERSION]GT06B_10_8MM_B25_V11_LA [BUILD]2013/01/04 17:45 2 Check GT06N parameters PARAM# e.g.GPS report on time interval:IMEI:868120103643505;TIMER:20,20; SENDS:5; SOS:13730454825,,;Center Number:;Sensorset:10,1,5,1; Defense time:10;TimeZone:E,8,0; GPS report on distance interval:IMEI:868120103643505;Distance:200; SENDS:5; SOS:13730454825,,;Center Number:;Sensorset:10,1,5,1; Defense time:10;TimeZone:E,8,0; 3 Query GT06N network setting GPRSSET# e.g.GPRS:ON; APN:CMNET,,;Server:1,hgt06.szdatasource.com,8841,0;URL:https://maps.google.com/maps?q=; 4 Check GT06N status STATUS# e.g.Battery:3.41V,Battery too low! Warning; GPRS:Link Up; GSM SignalLevel:Strong; GPS:Successful positioning, SVS Used in fix:10(11),GPS Signal Level:32,31,32,31,28,29,29,36,32,33; ACC:OFF;Defense:OFF 5 Check position status WHERE# e.g.Current position!Lat:N22.577156,Lon:E113.916748,Course:0.00,Speed:0.00Km/h,DateTime:2013-01-08 17:35:32 6 Check URL URL# e.g.<01-0817:36>https://maps.google.com/maps?q=N22.577156,E113.916748 7 Check position POSITION#OR123 e.g.GPS located: <01-0817:36>https://maps.google.com/maps?q=N22.577156,E113.916748GPS not located: GPS not fixed, please wait for a while, and then try again. 8 Check geo fence status FENCE# e.g.FenceType:Circle, ON, Latitude:N22.577091,Longitude:E113.916748, radius:600m, in out:IN or OUT, alarm type:1FenceType:Circle, OFF, Latitude:0.000000, Longitude:0.000000,radius:0m, in out:IN or OUT, alarm type:1 9 Check moving status MOVING# e.g.Moving Switch:OFF; Radius:300m; Alarm type:1Moving Switch:ON; Lat:N22.577080; Lon:E113.916794; Radius:300m;Alarm type:1 GT06N Query SMS Commands روابط ذات صلة: اوامر واكواد الاعدادات GT06N Settings SMS Commands No. الوظيفة الأمر/الكود الرد الشرح GT06N SETTING CLASS 1 Set APN APN, [apnname]#ORAPN, [apnname],[user],[pwd]# Close automatic APN and set by yourself. APN# Check the current APN parameters. 2 Set automatic APN ASETAPN, [X]# X=ON/OFF;ON: open automatic APN;OFF: close automatic APN. ASETAPN# Check automatic APN status 3 Set server parameters SERVER,mode,domainName/IP,port,protocol# eg: SERVER,1,www.ydpat.com,8011,0#SERVER,0,,8011,0#mode = 1 means set with domain namemode = 0 means set with ip address protocol = 0 means connect server with TCP protocolprotocol = 1 means connect server with UDP protocol SERVER# Check the current sever parameters 4 Set GMT parameter For GT06N GMT,[A],[b],[C]# A:E or W;”E” means eastern time zone, “W” means western time zone;default:EB:0~12;time zone default:8C:0/15/30/45;half time zone;default:0 GMT# Check the current time zone parameters 5 Restore GT06N to factory FACTORY# Restore to factory setting 6 Edit URL EURL,network links# set the network links for latitude and longitude, default: https://maps.google.com/maps?q= EURL# Check the current URL 7 GPRS switch GPRSON,X# X=0 or 1;”1″ means GPRS ON, “0” means GPRS OFF, default:1 GPRSON# Check the current GPRS status 8 Reboot GT06N RESET# The device would reboot in 20S after receiving the command. 9 GPRS blocking alarm GPRSALM,X# X=ON/OFF, default: OFF GPRSALM# Check the GPRS alarm status 10 SOS setting SOS,A,[phone number 1][,phone number 2][,phone number 3]# Add SOS phone number. SOS,D,[sequence number 1][, sequence number 2][,sequence number 3]# Delete the phone number according to the sequence number. SOS,[D],[phone number]# Delete the matching SOS phone number. SOS# Check the SOS phone number. 11 Center phone number setting CENTER, A,[phone number]# Add center phone number. CENTER, D# Delete center phone number. CENTER# Check the center phone number. 12 Heartbeat interval setting HBT,[T1],[T2]# T1 ranges 1~19(minutes), heartbeat package upload interval when ACC ON; default is 3;T2 ranges 1~19 (minutes), heartbeat package upload interval when ACC OFF; default is 5; HBT# Check the current parameters of T1 and T2. 13 Set GPS data sending interval TIMER,[T1],[T2]# T1 ranges 5~18000 or 0(seconds), upload interval when ACC ON, 0 means no upload, default is 10;T2 ranges 5~18000 (seconds), upload interval when ACC OFF, default is 10; TIMER# Check the current parameters of T1 and T2. 14 Set distance interval of GPS data sending DISTANCE,[D]# D ranges 50~10000 or 0(meters), distance interval, default is 300; DISTANCE# Check the current distance interval. 15 Set the angle upload ANGLEREP,[X][,A][,B]# X=ON/OFF, default:ONA=5~180 degrees, diversion angle degree, default:30 degrees;B=2~5 seconds, detecting time, default:3 seconds, ANGLEREP,OFF# Close the angle upload. ANGLEREP# Check the angle upload status and its parameters. 16 Set the upload for ACC status change ACCREP,[A]# A=ON/OFF, upload for ACC status change, default: ON ACCREP# Check the upload for ACC status change. 17 Set the GPS data sending batch BATCH,[A][,N]# A= A=ON/OFF, data sending batch function on or off, default:OFFN=1~50, N means the number of messages in the batch, default:10; BATCH# Check the number of messages in a batch. 18 Set the delay of the defense DEFENSE,[A]# A= 1~60 (minute), delay of the defense, default:10 (minutes). DEFENSE# Check the parameters of the defense. 19 Set vibration sensor detecting time SENSOR,<A>,[,B][,C]# A=10-300 seconds,detecting time. Default: 10 secondsB-10-300 seconds, alert delay. Deault:180 seconds C=1-3000 minutes, vibration alert interval. Default: 30 minutesSENSOR# Check the parameter of the status 20 Set the GPS controlled time by sensor SENDS,[A]# A=0-300(minute), time duration for GPS to work once vibration detected, 0 means GPS always on work, default: 5(minute) SENDS# Check the parameters of the time. 21 Disarm DSRESET# DSRESET# Cancel the current Arm status 22 Clear the backup data CLEAR# 23 Set the static data filtering SF,[A][,B]# A=ON/OFF;static drift filtering switch;default: ONB=10-1000(m);maximal filtering distance;default: 100(m); SF# Check the parameters. 24 Set the petrol/electricity control RELAY,[A]# A=0/1;0 means connection, 1 means cut off;default: 0. RELAY# Check the status of the control. 25 Set delay time of voice monitor DELAY,<A># A=0、5-18 seconds; Default: 10 seconds (Enter Listen-In after 10 senconds calling) 26 Set the fence alarm FENCE,[B],0,[D],[E],[F],[X],[M]# circle area;B=ON/OFF, open or close fence alarm, default:close;D=the latitude of the circle center;E=the longitude of the circle center;F=1~9999, the fence radius, unit:100 meters; X=IN/OUT;IN: alarming when get in the fence, OUT: alarming when get out the fence, blank means both alarming when get in or get out the fence, default: blank.M=0/1;way of alarming, 0:GPRS only, 1:SMS+GPRS, default:1 FENCE,[B],1,[D],[E],[F],[G][,X][,M]# rectangle areaB=ON/OFF, open or close fence alarm, default:close;D=the latitude of the position 1;range:-90 ~90(degree);E=the longitude of the position 1;range:-180 ~180(degree);F=the latitude of the position 2;range:-90 ~90(degree);G=the longitude of the position 2;range:-180 ~180(degree);the latitude supports “N/S” or “+/- ” coming before it’s value;the longitude supports “E/W” or “+/- ” coming before it’s value;; FENCE# Check the parameters of